NYC Water Tower Support Structure Maintenance and Painting

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Checking out the job site
Abundant rust on steel
More rust on steel support
Beautiful end result — see work-in-process photos below

Manhattan Steel Structure Painting

Steel support systems are found everywhere in the world with several of them under Manhattan’s many water towers. At 8 pounds per gallon, water is heavy, and steel provides the strength and durability needed as the foundation. Interestingly, steel is the most recycled material in the world, with some 80 million tons per year recycled. It is not much affected by snow loads, high wind, pests or seismic activity, but it does rust with time and weather. This can seriously compromise the strength of steel – it’s most valuable quality. Thus, maintenance is imperative to guard the integrity of the support structure and avoid any catastrophe with the water tank it is holding.

The New School [] contacted us to repair just such a steel structure, and we met this challenge head on. The work would be done some 11 stories high with a glass roof below the job site! Once we constructed the tarp containment so debris would not invade anywhere but directly below, we brought in industrial life harnesses, gear, equipment, tools and supplies. Like cautious acrobats, our workers floated among the steel girders grinding off all the rust particles. Once clean and inspected, all the steel was coated with primer and two layers of industrial finish products. We always love being part of a solution that contributes to the safety and well-being of New York City’s residents, schools, streets and structures.

Protecting nearby environment
Working inside tarp tent
Isolating site debris
Grinding rust away, safely harnessed
Industrial strength priming

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