Pre-War Manhattan Apartment Painter

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Manhattan Co-op Painter

Pre-war buildings in the Big Apple offer some of the most intriguing living spaces melding contemporary lifestyles with historical architecture. In the most general terms, these are mid-rise structures which created the first skyline for the city, 12-15 stories tall, built prior to World War II, mostly between 1915 and 1930. They have endured well due to their steel frames covered with masonry products, specifically bricks some three layers deep. Combine that with thick floors, and the insulating qualities are wonderful. The attraction to NYC residents never fades, and we get excited about jobs in pre-war co-op buildings.

Some have stringent rules for contractors – insurance, proper licenses, worker’s comp and an EPA lead safe certificate to name a few. We are experienced and knowledgeable about their requirements, the paperwork and all the steps to ensure safety and conformance. This apartment embodied the old and new seamlessly with glass interior French doors and fine trim and molding everywhere – even crown molding on the fireplace mantle. Like all jobs, we prep to the max, mask up, sand, paint and clean up to the highest quality standards in the business. That’s how we roll – on every job, in every home. And did we mention loving to work, scrape, paint, renovate in pre-war buildings? Well, we do.