NYC Ombre Wall Painters

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Manhattan Decorative Painters

The Craft Studio has a presence in the Upper East Side and in Tribeca for classes and parties. Its mission is “to provide a fun, safe and welcoming environment where kids and adults are free to be creative! We put our heart and soul into making sure each customer has a unique, individualized and magical experience.” And to assist with this, we were contacted to create an ombre painted wall in one of the party spaces.

Ombré may sound a little Spanish because the pronunciation is the same as “hombre” which is Spanish for man. But, actually, ombré in the world of color is from French for “shaded”. And a quick search uncovers many more references to ombré hair than walls. But here we carefully applied four colors in seven color stages from dark to light, top to bottom: crocus petal purple, amethyst cream, lily lavender, misty lilac. It’s a beautiful wall and enhances the fun, upbeat, party atmosphere immensely.