Bedford-Stuyvesant Townhouse Painter

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Brooklyn Interior Residential Painting

Electricians are not painters, and we at Paintworks don’t wire electrical things. They do the wiring. We do the painting. So when a sharp Bedford-Stuyvesant resident had new lights installed, the electrician left some holes crudely patched and not painted. Right away we noted the uneven walls with rough patches and went to work. Of course, we removed or added as necessary the appropriate plaster to totally camouflage the holes. Then we sanded the walls for a sleek, uniform vertical surface.

We are able to computer match colors, and that’s how we achieved painting with the identical color on the walls. For good measure, we painted the trim as well with a nice, even finish. With this tall bay window, gorgeous wood flooring and period molding, this Brooklyn townhouse is once again a very inviting space to call home. The whole Bed-Stuy neighborhood has more than 8,000 pre-1900 structures which beckon city folks with touches of nostalgia and historical architecture. This client is very happy with the home’s refreshed, interior flair.