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Our interior décor and surroundings can have a big impact on our mood, quality of life, productivity and happiness. For one client, sleeping by night and working by day in this Upper West Side multi-use bedroom space, meant restyling the walls in the sharpest of contrasts – black and white.
After painting the kitchen cabinets for one of our clients in Manhasset, they asked us to paint the natural wood bar-height chairs to match.
“Crimson and Clover” is an interesting song to get stuck in your head. The 1969 hit from Tommy James and the Shondells spent 16 weeks on the U.S. charts, hitting number one in February.
It’s time for action when the living room walls are cracking, paint is peeling and the aesthetics of the space is simply no longer bearable.
The heart of the home has always been the kitchen, much like the heart of New York City has been Central Park. Not always like the kitchen, but since the first section of the 843-acre park opened in 1858.
Exterior Window frames and trim in New York City need to be well-maintained and painted at least once every 5 years.