
The 17th century French Renaissance spawned many developments in art, culture, architecture, music and literature. People wanted more light and air in their homes, along with the idea of walking outside through very tall windows.
One of the most attractive residential streets, Riverside Drive, runs harmoniously alongside the Hudson River. A 1915 bronze sculpture of Joan of Arc on horseback stands just over 20 feet tall at the intersection with 93rd Street.
Our interior décor and surroundings can have a big impact on our mood, quality of life, productivity and happiness. For one client, sleeping by night and working by day in this Upper West Side multi-use bedroom space, meant restyling the walls in the sharpest of contrasts – black and white.
Parapets, initially used for military fort defense, today serve as guard rails to conceal equipment, like rooftop HVAC systems.
The NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) allows minor alterations and ordinary repairs to a property without a special permit as found in building code section §28-105.4.2.
One of our recent projects involved transforming a FiDi coffee shop’s interior, focusing on tiling and carpentry work to enhance both functionality and aesthetics.
Pinterest serves as the visual discovery engine for everything from interior décor to slogans, recipes, fashion, front doors, curb appeal and pretty much everything under the sun.